Dolly Chowdhury
Nationality: Belgian
Language proficiency: English, French, Bengali, Hindi
Objective: Aimed at participating and cooperating to distribute some basic knowledge of Hinduism and Hindu culture among the BA students which might be mutually benefited and inspired to understand the other religions too.
M.A (Vrije Universiteit Brussel , Belgium), M.A. (Institute of Social Studies, Den Haag, The Netherlands), M.Sc.(University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh).
Professional Experiences
- 2000 to till the date: Lecturer and participator in discourse related to Hinduism, Conference, seminar, interfaith, religious and cultural program organizer and comperer.
- 1997 to 2000: Meghmala Roy School (English Catholic School), Kolkata, Behala, India.
- 1992 to 1997: Office des Etrangers, Ministère de l'interieur, Brussels.
- 1989 to 1991: Research Investigator /part-time lecturer, Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, Groningen, The Netherlands.
- 1983 to 1987: Research Officer (Assistant Secretary), Evaluation Wing, General Economic Division, Bangladesh Planning Commission.
Hinduism Related Publications
- The Goddess Durga: 'Realizing God as a Mother' in Sarvajanin Puja Samity, Brussels, 2006.
- 'Lord Rama: The Hindu God' in Kerkwerk Multiculureel Samenleven and Voies de L'orient, 2006.
- 'La consommation, de Viande et Le Vegetarisme: Un point de Vue S'inspirant de la Philosophie Hindoue", Axcent 2006.
- 'Satvic , Rajasic and Tamasic Food in Hinduism' published for the Interfaith Feast Festival, Axcent 2005.
- 'The Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism' - KMS, Brussels in 2005
- The Goddess Saraswati: Lord Krishna's Feminine Energy: PROGGYA, On the occasion of Saraswati Puja, Puja Committee, Brussels 2004
- Diwali: The Goddess Lakshmi in Brussels, published in Deze Week and Brussels 2006
- A brief Introduction to Hindu Cosmology, KMS, Brussels 2008
- Tilaka: The Forehead Decoration in Hinduism in Kerkwerk Multiculureel Samenleven, 2008
Preparation of the Hindu School Curriculum, Brussels (project yet to be started).